About Bin Sorting



There are several tasks available on the mobile device that require a worker to physically move to multiple bins.  When this is the case, OzLINK sorts the bins to reduce walking as much as possible.

Sorting Details

OzLINK will direct the person to preferred bins first, sorted alphanumerically.  Once all preferred bins have been covered, OzLINK will direct the person to any remaining regular bins, also sorted alphanumerically.

Alphanumeric Sorting:

Bins are sorted per character, from left to right.  The numeric portions of your bin names should have the same number of characters to maintain sorting quality.  See examples below.
Good Bin Names
All numbers prefixed with 0's to maintain length
  1. A01
  2. A03
  3. A12
  4. B05
  5. B11
  6. D02
Bad Bin Names
Numbers have different lengths
  1. A1
  2. A12
  3. A3
  4. B11
  5. B5
  6. D2

Warehouse Bin Layout

Warehouses layouts are often designed so that pickers can easily walk through a sorted list of bins.  This usually results in a snake-like walking pattern, illustrated below for warehouses with narrow aisles and wide aisles.  It is recommended that you organize your bins so that they are easy to walk through alphanumerically.
Narrow aisles: use when it is easy for the picker to reach both sides of shelving in an aisle.
Wide aisles: use when it is easier to continue down each shelf face instead of constantly switching sides in the aisle.