Set Up Custom Item Fields in QuickBooks

Why you would set up custom item fields:
Each item in QuickBooks can have a lot of different information associated with it.  If you would like to record something about your item that QuickBooks doesn't store by default, you can add a 'custom field' to store that information.  A custom field can hold any type of information you would like.  OzLINK uses custom item fields for international shipping details, such as the Schedule B number for each item.  For more about international shipping, see: International.
OzLINK can only access this information if it is present on a QuickBooks transaction.  OzLINK can then transfer it to the carrier software automatically when you are working on a shipment.
How to set up custom item fields:
Custom item fields are stored in item records.
  1. Choose an item to edit, and open the editing screen in QuickBooks.
  2. Find the custom field section
  3. Create a new custom field with the appropriate name.  (Example: "Schedule B")
  4. Save your changes.  The new custom field will now appear in all item records.  List the custom item field in a transaction (see below) for OzLINK to have access to it.
For a more detailed explanation of this process, please see the QuickBooks help.
How to list the custom item fields in transactions:
QuickBooks can display the custom item fields on your transactions so they can be easily accessed and changed.
  1. Open a transaction you are interested in (an invoice, for example)
  2. In the toolbar, select customize to change the design and layout
  3. Add the appropriate custom field to the transaction.  (The custom field must already exist.  See above if it does not.)
OzLINK will now have access to the custom item fields on transaction that lists them.